Is it a Band?

Starting with Episode 26 of Time for the Show, Fidd Chewley introduced a new game called “Is it a Band?”. Each week Fidd and several others like Scalpod, Doktor Cosmac and our Discord users would submit six ‘theoretical’ band-names. The hosts would then vote on whether or not the name belonged to a band that no-one simply had heard of.

The criteria for a band would be an online listing on sites like YouTube, Soundcloud, Myspace, Facebook etc… and it would need to be at least one person playing an instrument (no DJ’s, mash-ups, remixes).

Thanks to the tireless efforts of the OFFICIAL SHOW ARCHIVE SLAVE Scalpod, the scores and the band names from each episode have been documented!


The following list contains all the names submitted to the game and were found to have no band attached to them. If you have a band 
with one of these names, please CONTACT us!

Band NameSubmitterEpisode No.
Fallen Golden ArchesScalpod1×50
Pinko Commie BastardsScalpod1×50
Machine Gun DivorceScalpod1×49
Meth MetalScalpod1×49
Placque Eyed BeesScalpod1×48
Damnation NavyScalpod1×48
Kraut ForceCosmac1×47
Kraut HoleCosmac1×47
Ex-PatriotCosmac 1×47
Beak ShearCosmac 1×47
Scrofulous Taint Cosmac1×46
The EmbarassadorsScalpod1×45
The Insecurity CouncilScalpod1×44
Civil Riots*Scalpod1×43
Gape Ape*Scalpod1×43
Organic ToxinsScalpod1×43
End Times SquareScalpod1×42
Mountain Don’tScalpod1×42
The Burlap UndergroundScalpod1×41
Jaco HomoScalpod1×41
Joe Dante’s InfernoScalpod1×41
The BoilmakersScalpod1×40
Priority Male ReviewScalpod1×40
Baroque Back Mountain RamblersScalpod1×40
Pink Hole LustScalpod1×40
Wood-Paneled EnnuiCosmac1×39
Satan’s LoofahCosmac1×39
The Nougat BabiesCosmac1×39
Clark AttackCosmac1×39
The Sovereign CitizensCosmac1×39
Midget SpinnerCosmac1×39
The Fried PenniesMarthartha1×38
HagwagonMarthartha 1×38
The AccidentonesMarthartha 1X38
Ceramic HamMarthartha 1×38
Sphincter PunchMarthartha 1×38
Titty DumpsterCosmac1×37
Dustin CobwebsCosmac1×37
Butterfly PissesDokFaux1×36
Bad TouchesCosmac1×36
Blood PipeCosmac1×36
Assholes and ElbowsCosmac1×36
The Clam DiversCosmac1×36
Faggot BrianRev801×35
The Dry WhistlesRev801×35
Ten Ton TurdRev801×35
Honey Doo DooRev801×35
Famous AnusRev801×35
Hangnail GunCosmac1×34
Satan’s CabbageCosmac1×34
Golfers Without BordersCosmac1×34
Chattertooth OrchestraCosmac1×34
Short StacksCosmac1×34
Paramour PastriesCosmac1×34
Cat Farts in the WindCosmac1×33
The WoztonesCosmac1×33
The Buttplug SurfersCosmac1×33
Sexual AneurysmCosmac1×32
Beans AkimboCosmac1×32
Moose Whisperer**Cosmac1×32
Lincoln and The LogsCosmac1×32
Dan Druff and The FlakesCosmac1×32
Chocolate MaltaDokFaux1×31
Bananas Foster the People**DokFaux1×31
Grape WhistleDokFaux1×31
Lonely BolognaDokFaux1×31
The GreasebacksDokFaux1×31
Creole EstateScalpod1×30
The Elastic Head Band (or Headband)Scalpod1×30
Snakeheads After MidnightScalpod1×30
Snakeheads Before MidnightScalpod1×30
The Guatemalan StrippersScalpod1×30
Henry’s Pet BadgerScalpod1×30
Sloppy MinutesScalpod1×30
Chance’s Second ChanceScalpod1×30
Garlic MilkScalpod1×29
Sheldon’s Egg BasketScalpod1×29
The Worthwhile EndeavorsScalpod1×29
Garry Shandling’s LipsScalpod1×29
Liquid ToothDokFaux1×28
Smeer the HearScalpod1×28
Satan’s BackwashScalpod1×28
The Lake Trout**Scalpod1×28
Einstein’s BagelScalpod1×28
The AutocorrectsFidd Chewley1×27
Mary’s PoppinFidd Chewley1×27
Fetal SmegmaFidd Chewley1×26
Couch Fire**Fidd Chewley1×26
The SoliloquiesFidd Chewley1×26
Round FiveFidd Chewley1×26
Kerosene DreamsFidd Chewley1×26

*These names may be a song or album title used by other artists
** Variations (such as possessive names or alternate spellings) of these names are bands