Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Ep 118: Improvements

Fed up with the state of the show, Doktor Faux completely rips the HyperCOMM panels from the wall and takes up residence in the experimental Limbaugh Echo-Chamber and proceeds to test the clock BY HIMSELF. What occurs next, has been described by most of the Showciety (as well as Faux) as the best episode of Time for the Show ever made.

Recorded June 15th, 2020
Performed by Doktor Argus Q. Faux
Edited by Doktor Faux
Episode art by Doktor Faux

Originally broadcast on www.freethinkradio.com
Sponsored by www.triologysoaps.com
Patreon supporters (as of Sept 2020):

Patreons: Rev. 80, Rev. Fanboy, Brother Other, Caller 23, Apostacy X Fnord, Hazel of the Windmills, Doktor Cosmac, Rev. Kodeine, Agent Lloyd, longdead, Marthartha, Michael Marcus, Rev. Negative, Rev Guimo, Couchsloth, Scalpod, Trenchie, and Rev Loch Ness

Special thanks to Katanna007 and Guru Drux

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Argus Faux
Argus Faux
Doktor Argus Q. Faux is an impatient asshole with a bad temper. He enjoys trash-talking children in free-to-play games and uploading footage of his birth to pornographic websites. When not engineering TFTS, he can usually be found crying on the bathroom floor and contemplating the use of MSG as a dietary supplement.

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