Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Ep 208: Nuke Ukraine

Peas and Faux discuss the intricacies of non-binary chocolate candies while Fidd learns how to run the boards.

Time for the Show 208: Nuke Ukraine
TFTS Relay 0-1-2-3-2-3

Broadcasting live from the future annex of the
soon-to-be Capitol of America’s California, St. Petersburg, Florida,



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-Peas-O Box-

Send YOUR viewer mails to email@timefortheshow.com

1// Dear Show,
Where do white women come from?

Bob Vagene of Slapstick, Maryland

2// Dear Show,
Several years ago, I had run out of toilet paper.
In frustration I threw a POP Vinyl collectable
figurine of Hatsune Miku at the mirror, which led
to shards of glass shattering to the tile below.
Out of pure desperation, I used one of the broken
pieces of glass to scrape my ass clean. It was by
far the MOST satisfying sensation I had experienced
since the time I sat on an unsanded fence post in
grade school. I have continued to use the same piece
of glass for seven years now. I simply rinse it in
the sink when I’m doneand place it in a small bowl
of tepid lemon water. However, the other day my cat,
Mister Whiffles, was licking the glass and knocked
it off the counter where it shattered like it’s
predecessor. I threw out the old mirror pieces
years ago, and never bothered replacing it. I had
just been using the one piece for everything, like
shaving, pimple-popping and (of course) rectal examinations.
For the past week, I have used the end of a wooden
plumber’s helper handle, which does not have the
same effect. What can I do to remedy my situation?

Paperless in Peoria

3// Dear Show,
Why doesn’t that guy from C-SPAN
get a job?

Squibble O'Hanrahan of Nooseknot, Oregon

-Blind Eyes-

Who’s YOUR blind eye, peas?

-Is It a Band?-

This week’s name: “Fun: The Band”
Answer available after Paid Copy


Everyone knows i’m an afficionado of
Fine Cuisine. When not flipping fresh
fritatas in my french-handled frying-
pan, or peppering my hand-crafted party
pickles with precious and precariously
perused Pakistani spices, sometimes I
find myself bored with trying to figure
out which exotic dish to try and whip up

That’s where Big Black Smock comes in!
I receive three pre-packaged pallets of
semi-refrigerated foodstuffs every day,
each one an exciting adventure in entrees!

When I’m hungry, I just reach for a lukewarm
Big Black Smock and get ready to chow-down!
Just vigorously apply one stick of butter to
the exterior food-shaft and load into your
microwave for a patented thirteen minutes!
Big Black Smock meals are incredibly juicy,
jam-packed with protein and every one of
our trademark nine-inch meal-rods are filled
with a gooey cheese center.

If you’re looking for something mildly turgid
to wrap your greasy lips around, just drop
to your knees in thanks knowing that Big
Black Smock is ready to tickle your tonsils!

You can save three percent on your next
two-year subscription to Big Black Smock
with coupon code PEAS.

Act NOW and receive the Big Black Smock Straw,
so you can suck one down on the road, under your
desk, in court, at your nephew’s baseball game,
with your therapist or a discreet internet lover
anywhere and anytime!

Customers held liable for proper handling

-Is It a Band REVEAL-

Check with Aster Six for ANSWER


Peas and Faux must appeal to Judge Fidd.
One must defend an idea, and the other must oppose.
EITHER: Continue to hold peas liable for charges from previous weeks

Pick one of Tonight’s Topics:

  • Nothing is gay if the balls don’t touch
  • The Annexation of Kansas City
  • Mandated cesarian births
  • florida man attacked ATM
  • pet fish uses credit card on Nintendo switch
  • Australian woman breaks world record in archery with her feet
  • Florida woman pulled from storm drain for third time
  • Miami man injured by falling iguana during outdoor yoga
  • TSA find an emotional support snake in luggage at Florida airport

– PATRONS for January 2023 –

Subject T. Change
Bob South
Michael MArcus
Hazel of the Windmills
Doktor Cosmac

“Time For The Show” –
Theme Song by Rubix Pube https://linktr.ee/rubixpubepa
Mondays at 10PM ET SUBSCRIBE at http://www.TimeForTheShow.com
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A production of Hypercube Laboratory www.HypercubeGo.com

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Argus Faux
Argus Faux
Doktor Argus Q. Faux is an impatient asshole with a bad temper. He enjoys trash-talking children in free-to-play games and uploading footage of his birth to pornographic websites. When not engineering TFTS, he can usually be found crying on the bathroom floor and contemplating the use of MSG as a dietary supplement.

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