Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Ep 84: Don’t Call Me Dusty

Another slackadaisacal night inside the Hypercube, the crew is joined by Joshua Rogers and Ray Brazen (from Illuminated Paths). Doktor Faux sings “One More Minute” by “Weird Al” Yankovic, Peas apologizes before heading out as Is It a Band starts.

Recorded Sept 16, 2019
Edited by Doktor Faux
Episode art: Don Martin/Hazel of the Windmills

Patreon supporters: Couchsloth, FNoRD, Caller23, Hazel, YBDobbs, scalpod, Rev. Richard Negative, Doktor Cosmac, longdead, Rev80, Cat Feather, Rev Guimo, Jitney Friekur

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Argus Faux
Argus Faux
Doktor Argus Q. Faux is an impatient asshole with a bad temper. He enjoys trash-talking children in free-to-play games and uploading footage of his birth to pornographic websites. When not engineering TFTS, he can usually be found crying on the bathroom floor and contemplating the use of MSG as a dietary supplement.

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