Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Ep 95: Rebuttal

In the last live broadcast for 2019, Doktor Faux invites Fidd Chewley into the studio to hash-out any outstanding beefs between them. Reverand peas introduces the show and takes on a historical review of how the show started before mediating between the two over a discussion of professional courtesy, context and feelings. The show devolves into mud-slinging as the two come to realize that the partnership has completely dissolved before Fidd ultimately walks out of the studio. There are no resolutions or compromises. This ended up being a gigantic waste of time.

Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time for the Show 1×60: Two Girls, One Cuck

If your ears aren’t dripping with amniotic fluid after listening to this episode, then we’ll give you TRIPLE YOUR DIGNITY BACK! For the entirety of this episode, Cat Feather plays the role of Fidd Chewley, Aster Six plays the role of Argus Faux, and peas plays the role of whoever plays the role of peas when peas isn’t present! 60 is a highly composite number, and episode 60 of TFTS turned out to be a highly composite version of the show as exterpreted by the most capable of all proxies. HOW AUSPICIOUS! Not since banks started offering sugar-free lollipops has such an advantageous circumstance eventuated itself — this time in an easily digestible podcast suppository! Get off your ass, sit down, and in the words of Chuck Berry’s fictional cousin, “Listen to THIS!”

Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time For The Show s1e23: We R Radio Professionalizationists

This week’s pennjillettes are Reverend Couchsloth, Dok Cosmac, Cat Feather, and Cat Feather’s DAD, who joins the show during the Blind Eye segment just to turn his to peas.
King Engineer Doktor Faux DIDN’T PUSH “RECORD” until the second hour, so this podcast episode is only the second hour of our usual two-hour live show on Free Think Radio Dot Com. The first hour is LOST FOREVER unless you were listening to the live broadcast. This week: Are gay alligators underrepresented in congress? What would have happened if Jack would have snorted one of those magic beans? THE CULMINATION OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE HEREUNTOFORTH IS CONTAINED WITHIN THIS EPISODE!!
LISTEN ALL THE WAY UNTIL THE END TO RECEIVE A COUPON FOR ADDERALL!! We are incredibly professional at doing shows.

Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time For The Show s1e14: A Pedophile in Nazi’s Clothing

This week’s pennjillette is Cat Feather. Fidd can’t correctly tune his duduk, so he purposefuly sneezes on Faux’s ant farm in frustration. peas [sic] attempts to do good radio; he is immediately corrected and punished by Faux and Fidd. Co-solipsists, Dok Cosmac and Not-That-Bob Dapper, join the show in the second hour, but soon run home crying to their mommies and TELLING ON US! By the end of the show, Penitent Man is once again the only one who passes.