Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time For The Show s1e22: Anterohistorical Revisionist Futurism

Another Wosrt-Of episode! The stream crashed several times during the live broadcast, but we managed to scrape the resin of the show from the pipe of the soundboard, smoke it, and blow the smoke into a laptop running a sound editor. This week: Peas outlines the pros and cons of hoarding your own feces. Doktor Faux snorts a ramen noodle flavor packet for Jesus. Fidd reveals all of YOUR dirtiest secrets. Faux & Fidd talk about their recent trip to the Minor Basilica of Mary, Queen of the Universe, where the guards have handguns! The fine for smoking in an elevator in Maryland is ONLY $25! Fidd convinces peas that it’s okay for him to drink on antibiotics because he’s a heavyweight. Peas & Fidd get gay-married and go back to their Africa (Ireland). Doktor Faux reviews Fidd’s new product: suppository cigarettes. The phrase “Cheddar Bay” should only be followed by “biscuit”. Fidd won’t shutup about groundhog jizz.

Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time For The Show s1e21: One Thousand People Named “Gregory”

Who would win: one steroider, or one crackboi?? This question has plagued self-appointed dipshits since times pseudo-memorial, measured on the scale of DOZENS OF HOURS AGO, but this week’s pennjillette, HMFIC Doc Ellis, breaks it all THE FUCK DOWN for y’all’s. You think you’re sexy enough to listen to this episode? You’re probably right — IT’S THAT BAD!! This is the first intentionally un-lost, surprise/regularly-scheduled episode in cerebro-apocalyptic history! Because Reverand [sic] peas [sic] didn’t show up until mere minutes before the scheduled end of the show, we continued for A WHOLE EXTRA HOUR — mostly just to allow peas to offer his Blind Eye submission and the fan-favorite: peas apologizes to everyone for everything ever. Uninitiated viewers are hereby admonished to approach this episode in a mature manner, not succumbing to the temptations of low-hanging toilet humor and cultish sophistry.

Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time For The Show s1e18: Sun-dried Backfat and YOU

“You’re gonna have to carry this one, peas!” Holy jumpin’ jeeperwinks; Fidd and Faux are recovering from two straight days of eating nothing but lunar regolith and popcorn. Peas wins a free trial-size box of Lucky Charms for being the millionth customer at the whites-only nail salon.
Doktor Faux runs out of toilet paper and must wipe his ass with his collection of defunct Chuck-E-Cheese tickets. Fidd elaborates on this week’s life hack: how to properly chill tampons for use on hot days.

Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time For The Show s1e12: We Wuz Stangz

The whole point of doing the show live is to AVOID HAVING TO EDIT, but Fidd and Faux had to be in the OTHER studio during showtime this week, so we committed the ultimate Time for the Show sin by PRE-RECORDING A SHOW! That’s right, for the first time ever, this episode is actually a pre-prepared show, which gave us the chance to do things somewhat differently than usual, namely the inclusion of some prank calls by Faux and Fidd. The usual peas/Fidd/Faux circle-jerk was recorded the night before, much later than we normally do the show live, which explains why peas was DRUNK from minute one and passes out before the session is over. PEAS IS DRUNK ON THIS EPISODE, but it’s okay; he felt really bad about it the next morning and apologized to me and told me not to make a big deal about it.