Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time for the Show 1×40: The Apple of my Eyenus

0:00:00 INTRO. RC23 ruined Fidd. Fake plugs, fake peas. Ideas are stupid.
0:08:33 Whisperings of a better show. Plagiarizing your own future. The Chinese are on-limits. #peastoo.
0:12:48 BREAK
0:13:34 RESET. Woeful Warren Alexander Peasworth Jr II. What’s your sneeze? Peas’s reverse toilet-jackin and pea-blue floorin’. $50 jack tax.
0:20:30 Chinese TP cameras. Recounting last week’s IIAB records. Zen & the art of passing out drunk. Faux directs peas.
0:26:25 BREAK. Pailhorse Magazine! Peas in Home Alone.
0:32:46 FCC part 15. Fidd drowns. The Peas in a Podcast preview. CBD beeswax caviar lip-balm. TFTS origin story.
0:38:00 Faux pleads the 5th. More PiaP preview.
0:45:05 BREAK.
0:46:31 RESET. Dem lanks. Patreon love. Tribute to Rev Heathen.
0:53:25 Paging Dr Scalpod! Peas got pranked by the post office. The evil plan. Faux busts peas’s bubble. Scalpod arrives.
1:03:31 Is it a Band?
1:04:29 Round 1: Yeti Love
1:06:42 Round 2: The Boil Makers
1:11:12 Round 3: Priority Mail Revue
1:18:12 Round 4: The Slammin’ Doors
1:20:54 Round 5: Baroqueback Mountain Ramblers
1:27:02 Round 6: Pink Hole Lust
1:32:28 Blind eyes (almost). “Believe like you MEAN it!” Faux’s butts.
1:41:23 Make the show great again. Henry McFachfas Jr’s bible verse & fortune. Derailed wrap-up attempt. Actual wrap-up attempt.

Time for the Show
Season One – Episode Forty
October 15, 2018
Fidd Chewley, Dok Faux, Reverand [sic] peas [sic], Scalpod

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