Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time for the Show 1×48: The Trial and Death of Arliss Michaels

Fidd is back in the studio from Tampax, Florida just in time to regret it! Doktor Faux scores BIG by registering the somehow-yet-unregistered web domain: TimeForTheShow.com. Faux responds to peas’s claim of being depressed by steamrolling over everything peas says in the first hour. peas attempts to smooth things over with Faux with what he calls a “radio trust fall”. Peas has a van: Adventure-1. In the Blind Eye segment, peas chooses the United Stated federal government just because he owes them several thousand dollars. The logistics of subcontracting as a stripper at Red Lobster are discussed before Reverend Scalpod joins the show to officiate IS IT A BAND. The merits of drinking root beer from a pug-dog skull are mentioned amongst the rest of the viewer mail, after which the hosts eventuate another segment of “Messiah or Pariah?”, with the focus being on VAPING. At the end of the show, peas does what he does best and apologizes for the whole episode. restoring our standing in the community back up to zero.

Time for the Show
Season One – Episode Forty-Eight
December 17, 2018
Fidd Chewley, Dok Faux, Reverand [sic] peas [sic], Scalpod

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