Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time For The Show s1e25: Stop Me If You’ve Heard This Inside Joke Before

It’s the EPISODE #25 CELEBRATION SPECTACULAR! Season 1 of this show is aiming to be one million episodes long, so we’re celebrating the fact that we only have 999,975 episodes left in this season! Our FORMER co-host, Reverand peas [sic], wanted to be a guest on his own show so badly that he QUIT HIS SHOW just so he could come back as a guest on it– and he did! Topics NOT covered in this episode: the 2017 Serbian presidential election, the reconciliation of Judeo-Christianity with The Church of Non-Gustatory Hydrostatism, cherry-flavored toilet paper, the over-use of hy-phens, and how to properly determine the gender of a Klein bottle (don’t assume my topology.

Time for the Show
Season One – Episode Twenty-Five
July 02, 2018
Fidd Chewley, Doktor Argus Q Faux, Reverand peas [sic]

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Episode Art by Reverend 80

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