Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time For The Show s1e02: Ivan Stang

Reverend Ivan Stang from the Church of the SubGenius comes by to deny his involvement with anything that might have been considered remotely funny in the 1980s. Peas is there too.

Time For The Show
Season One – Episode Two
January 04, 2018
Doktor Faux, Reverand Peas, Fidd Chewley

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Argus Faux
Argus Faux
Doktor Argus Q. Faux is an impatient asshole with a bad temper. He enjoys trash-talking children in free-to-play games and uploading footage of his birth to pornographic websites. When not engineering TFTS, he can usually be found crying on the bathroom floor and contemplating the use of MSG as a dietary supplement.

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