Fidd and Faux resolve to do the Show, even if it kills them AGAIN!
Ep 204: Holiday Hangovers
Fidd and Faux have severe Holiday Hangovers
Ep 203: Canadian Facon
The iron-fisted leaders of, Marthartha and Dr. Ellis, play peas’s surrogates as Fidd fills the BG channel with copyrighted music. Faux is there, too.
Ep 202: The New First Episode
Fidd Chewley activates the Pylon Network and learns how to engineer the show LIVE. Reverand [sic] peas [sic] joins Doktor Faux in reveling in how accomplished they feel, despite the year’s shortcomings. It’s a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!
Ep 201: HyperCOMM Ramblings
It’s not the “same old show”! The first from your favorite buddy and bestest pal Doktor Faux in a HOT minute! Fidd Chewley and Subject T Change debate the economic situation in Uzbekistan and discuss their undeniable and scientifically-proven admiration (and respect) for country-rap star Taylor Swift. Faux makes snide comments.