Two comics who aren’t funny think they should be way more famous than they are. The twist is that they’re actually much more popular than they should be based on their talent levels. Not only are they not funny, they’re actually quite annoying. Peas is there, too.
Ep 205: New Beers Special
Fidd and Faux resolve to do the Show, even if it kills them AGAIN!
Ep 204: Holiday Hangovers
Fidd and Faux have severe Holiday Hangovers
Ep 203: Canadian Facon
The iron-fisted leaders of, Marthartha and Dr. Ellis, play peas’s surrogates as Fidd fills the BG channel with copyrighted music. Faux is there, too.
Ep 202: The New First Episode
Fidd Chewley activates the Pylon Network and learns how to engineer the show LIVE. Reverand [sic] peas [sic] joins Doktor Faux in reveling in how accomplished they feel, despite the year’s shortcomings. It’s a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!