Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Ep 103: Hello, Dorry

Doktor Faux continually berates peas and fills time. Peas answers the mailbag and then attempts to sell drugs and describes his animosity towards the Chinese (it is not fear). Caller23 takes peas to town during Proving Grounds, then reads She-Ra fanficiton with music by Doktor Faux. You can skip this one.

Intro: The Hunger Roberts Song (TFTS theme remix)
1:55 Caller 23 is Hosting
2:45 Peas, what your favorite Dolly Parton Song
5:10 Peas favorite things that used to be nice
6:10 Doktor Faux pees his pants
8:40 The premise of A.A.
11:45 Pukedick + Hypercube Idents
13:30 The Board
15:00 Cube News: Where’s Scoops?
16:20 Peas asks a question
17:30 There’s gonna be a rant
17:55 Caller23 Recap
19:00 Cube News
25:30 What do ya’ got peas
27:15 Peas sells drugs on the radio
30:42 What are you sellin’ peas (namedrops)
32:35 The peas show
38:00 Peas and “Bob”
40:35 Doktor Faux hurts peas
42:15 Peas namedrops again
43:10 Peas doesn’t mean to criticize
43:55 Mailbag (with real paper)
44:20 Health and Safety: Froyo
46:50 Shoutouts
48:10 Computer Sounds
49:10 Proving Grounds
1:01:00 Peas is scared of Chinese
1:05:00 What’s your favorite thing about the Chinese, peas?
1:06:30 What do you wanna do now Peas?
1:07:00 The Chinese and the Eskimos
1:13:00 Other Shows
1:14:35 Time Warp
1:17:00 Caller23 Recap
1:20:27 FanFiction Theater “Petchadora Lemon”

Recorded March 02, 2020
Edited by Doktor Faux
Episode art by Cosmac

Originally broadcast on www.freethinkradio.com
Sponsored by Triology Soaps www.triologysoaps.com
Get the POST-SHOW of this episode at Patreon.com/Hypercube

Patreon Supporters: Doktor Cosmac, Doktor Trench, Rev. Kodeine, Scalpod, Rev. Couchsloth, Apostacy X Fnord, Caller23, Hazel of the Windmills, YBDobbs, Marthartha, Rev. Richard Negative, Agent Lloyd, Longdead, Rev 80, Rev Guimo, Rev Jitney Friekur, Vanessa, Guru-Drux, Katanna007

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

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Argus Faux
Argus Faux
Doktor Argus Q. Faux is an impatient asshole with a bad temper. He enjoys trash-talking children in free-to-play games and uploading footage of his birth to pornographic websites. When not engineering TFTS, he can usually be found crying on the bathroom floor and contemplating the use of MSG as a dietary supplement.

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