Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Ep 77: Bobby

Reverand [sic] peas [sic] is no longer allowed in the Fremont Children’s Clinic after he took too many Little Hugs Fruit Barrels from the mini-fridge behind the receptionist’s desk, but manages to squeeze himself (and his remaining tumors) into the first half of the show. Doktor Faux talks about how to better yourself through woodworking, and the show concludes with a broadcast of surveillance tapes from the Hypercube airlock featuring Fidd Chewley and the late Doctor Bobby Clock.

Recorded July 29, 2019
Edited by Doktor Faux
Episode art from HyperCOMM

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Argus Faux
Argus Faux
Doktor Argus Q. Faux is an impatient asshole with a bad temper. He enjoys trash-talking children in free-to-play games and uploading footage of his birth to pornographic websites. When not engineering TFTS, he can usually be found crying on the bathroom floor and contemplating the use of MSG as a dietary supplement.

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