Episodes podcast timefortheshow

Time for the Show 1×35: Trochaic Tantrumeter

This week’s show is brought to you by Respectacles, the eyeglasses that improve your vision AND your hatred of minorities!! So much has happened since last week’s episode that we didn’t even address any of it! The best podcasts leave all the content to the imagination of the listener, lest the show be spoiled. Doktor Faux takes an entire morgue hostage and threatens to shoot a corpse every hour until the United Nations issues a statement affirming that the vein in his nutsack is “normal” and “totally does NOT look weird”. Fidd talks about his experience taking third place in the rolling-paper-airplane championships. Peas apologizes for missing last week’s show, then, as usual, he duly apologizes for NOT missing this week’s show. Dok Cosmac once again joins the show as the guest judge for “Is It a Band?” This is the part of the episode description where I cut superficial wounds on my arm in a desperate bid for your attention.

Time for the Show
Season One – Episode Thirty-Five
September 10, 2018
Doktor Argus Q Faux, Rev 80, Reverand [sic] peas [sic], Fidd Chewley

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Episode art by Ian Lawlis-Moth

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